Big affect!!! I was at the grocery store today, doing the normal foodstuffs shopping, right? So, I'm loading the bags of groceries into the trunk of my car. ***keep in mind that I am 8+ months pregnant and moving ssslllloooowwwwwww*** Well, as I'm loading the last bag into my trunk, this FedEx guy came up and asked if he could take my cart back for me. WOW! How awesome is that? It's not that I've never had people extend their kindness to me before, but his act of kindness reminded me of the goodness of people and the blessings of God. How wonderful God is! He is all about the good...from the extremely big to the very small! What blessings have you encountered recently? I'd love to hear about them!!!
Aw...that was very sweet of him. I love Blessing like this. God is Good!!!
Blessings to You...
Lisa B <><
Thanks for sharing your sweet story. And yes, God is Good :)
It`s so true. Did you know that even witnessing an act of kindness physically alters your body`s chemistry for the positive? To me, that ability to feel love in the air is the greatest act of kindness, Mel
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